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“To Him who smote great kings, for His lovingkindness is everlasting,  And slew mighty kings, for His lovingkindness is everlasting: Sihon, king of the Amorites, for His lovingkindness is everlasting,” (Psalm 136:17-19)

Who can stand in the way of the Lord.  In our modern era, there have been great leaders who seemed, for a while, to conquer, but they fell.  Come to the One who is forever and overcomes all the kings of this world who come against Him.  Only in the Lord is there life and life eternal.  No one is able to stand against the purpose of the Lord.  It is He who will always prevail.

Lord, bad things happen and I wonder where you are.  Lead me, O Lord, to trust the truth of Your Word that I may not be guided by temporary circumstances but know that in You alone is the hope of all people.  Lead me up and away from this world’s continuing insanity to see through circumstances and know that You are leading Your faithful people by way of grace into Your eternal presence.

Help me now and always Lord to see that in You is the hope of salvation.  Jesus, You are the One who has come to show the way for the faithful.  Guide me today in those things You would have me do.  Help me to see the choices You are giving me that I may abide in You as You abide in me.  Lead me, my Savior, this day to walk humbly with You in the Father’s presence.  Amen

Photo by AussieActive on Unsplash

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