THE PRAYERS,  10th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 15, Cycle C (August 18, 2019)


10th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 15, Cycle C (August 18, 2019)

Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for one another.

A brief silence

Father, sometimes your word dismays and unsettles us! We don’t like to hear about divine fire, judgment, and division. Make us courageous and steadfast in our faith. Give us ears to rightly hear, and hearts to rightly repent. And give us grace to show the fruits of repentant faith, to your glory and for the nourishment of your people.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Make your Church a faithful witness to your Word of Law and Gospel. When it must speak of fire, judgment, or sin, let it do so humbly and lovingly, but also honestly and fearlessly. Help it always point to Jesus, the merciful pioneer and perfector of faith, and the Salvation for whom the world languishes.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Renew the faith, increase the zeal, and strengthen the deeds of everyone in this congregation. Cast the purifying fire of your Holy Spirit in our midst, so that all we say and do is in accordance with your Word and so that through us, your will is accomplished in the lives of many people.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We are surrounded by a cloud of faithful witnesses, including Christians who are persecuted throughout the world in this age of “tolerance and diversity.” Help us to be strengthened and encouraged by their example. Give them patience and steadfast hearts; and through their witness, burn away the sin and purify the hearts of those who hate them – and you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Establish your peace among the nations, tribes, clans, sects, and communities of this world. No plan or project of ours can heal the seeds of wickedness and violence in our hearts. Thus we plead: heal, purify, guide and direct the people and the leaders of every human endeavor, in accordance with your will and for our common good.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Until your peace is established, good men and women must risk grave dangers to protect lives and liberty. We pray for all of them. Purify their minds and hearts, and direct their decisions and deeds, so that even places of chaos and violence may begin to know a measure of your peace. Bring them safely home to their loved ones, and bless their hearts and lives with that same peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for everyone who is afflicted by the powers of sin, evil, and death. Most especially we remember before you: {List}.  Be their sure hope and strong deliverer. Strengthen their faith in times of trial. Bring them safely into the fellowship of those who love them and into closer communion with you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, we humbly commend our departed loved ones into your care. Renew to us the promise you made to all the faithful who have gone before us: that “when through fiery trials your pathway shall lie, my grace, all-sufficient, shall be your supply.” Keep our faith steadfast and firm in your excellent Word, until that day when you bear us in your bosom into your everlasting Kingdom, and make us stand before you with all whom you have upheld by your righteous, omnipotent hand.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear our prayers, gracious Father, offered through the power of the Spirit; and for the sake of your dear Son, grant us all that is in accordance with your merciful will, to your glory and for the good of your people. AMEN.


THE PRAYERS,  9th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 14, Cycle C (August 11, 2019)


9th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 14, Cycle C (August 11, 2019)

Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for one another.

A brief silence

Thank you, dear Father, for the beauty of earth, sea, and sky. Thank you for blessings without number, and for your great faithfulness. Increase our faith and gratitude, and give us joy amidst suffering and comfort in sadness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Adorn your Church with faith as lovely as the lilies of the field, and as steadfast as Abraham. Make it a storehouse for all the treasures of heaven – and make it generous and gracious in sharing those divine treasures with everyone.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless this congregation with deep faith, untroubled hearts, generous spirits, and self-forgetful deeds. Remind us that our treasures are not found in buildings, bank accounts, programs, or progress. Give us eyes to see our treasure in the hearts and souls of those whom you have loved, forgiven and redeemed.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless the church bodies gathered in convocation this week in Milwaukee and Indianapolis. Fix their eyes firmly on the treasures of heaven which you have stored up for those who love you. Give them firm faith and radiant righteousness, so that through their ministry, many people learn to trust in your promises.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Send your Spirit abroad in the world, so that people in every land may say, “Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord; he is our strength and shield.” Help us to find our treasure not in possessions and power, but in faith toward you and in fervent love toward one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Be the strength and shield of all who risk their life in defense of others. Help them act with wisdom, integrity, and competence. When their work is done, let their homecomings be joyful, their bodies and minds be healed and refreshed, their service be honored, and their skills be used in new ways.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant healing, hope, and faith to all who are afflicted pain or sorrow. Especially we lift before you the needs of: {List}.  Let the love, mercy and goodness of bless all who suffer. Give gentle hands and patient hearts to those who care for them; and restore them to fellowship with all who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious Father, we thank you for receiving, as treasures and as your dear children, all who have died trusting in you. Keep our hearts firmly fixed on your mercy and loving-kindness toward us. Help us to encourage, support and help one another along our earthly pilgrimage. Remind us of the treasures of eternal life and salvation that you have stored up for us through the merits of your dear Son. Bring us into your Kingdom, where, with all of your treasured people, we may enjoy those treasures and delight in your goodness forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear our prayers, gracious Father, offered through the power of the Spirit; and for the sake of your dear Son, grant us all that is in accordance with your merciful will, to your glory and for the good of your people. AMEN.


THE PRAYERS,  8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 13, Cycle C (August 4, 2019)


8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 13, Cycle C (August 4, 2019)


Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for one another.

A brief silence

Heavenly Father, you greatly bless us even when we think we have very little! You give us life and breath. Each new day gives us a chance to repent, forgive, and share Jesus’ love with another person. Help us to thank you for these things, to enjoy them rightly; and to share them generously.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Clothe your Church with the lovely holiness of your dear Son. Put away from it all evil thoughts, desires, words, and actions. Fill it with your Holy Spirit, so abounds in every good gift, overflows with new life in Christ, and leads many to faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Fill the people of this congregation with wisdom and humility. Help us remember that everything is done for you, not for ourselves, and that we must one day render an accounting of our stewardship of your blessings. Make us faithful, generous, kindly, and holy, and use us to draw many people into your fatherly embrace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Keep your persecuted Church in your care, and bless their faithful witness. Help us to provide for our suffering sisters and brothers from the storehouses of our spiritual and material abundance.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for your blessing upon our nation – and for all nations. Guide our leaders with your Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might. Remind them that they must give to you an account of how they have used the power and authority entrusted to them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we know that all people – even Christians –are sometimes selfish, oblivious, irresponsible, and foolish. Teach us those virtues that are often unpopular: responsibility, accountability, and self-sacrifice, grounded in faith toward you and fervent love for one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We lift before you the suffering and sorrow of your people, especially those near to us whom we now name: {List}. Anoint them with the oil of gladness. Heal wounds to body, mind, and soul. Grant that, with those who love them, they may enter your gates with thanksgiving, and go into your courts with praise.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, keep our beloved dead close to your heart.  Wipe away the tears of all whose grief runs deep. By the power of your Spirit, turn our hearts away from the folly of sin. Give us grace to focus on Jesus and his great love for us. Make us channels of his forgiveness and grace to reach everyone who needs it. And, by your mercy, bring us into the bright courts of your heavenly Kingdom, where with all whom you have redeemed, we delight in praising your goodness, power, and love forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear our prayers, gracious Father, offered through the power of the Spirit; and for the sake of your dear Son, grant us all that is in accordance with your merciful will, to your glory and for the good of your people. AMEN.

Photo by Michael Bourgault on Unsplash

Devotion for Monday, July 1, 2019

“The plowers plowed upon my back; they lengthened their furrows.”  The Lord is righteous; He has cut in two the
cords of the wicked.”  (Psalm 129:3-4)

The wicked of this world seek
their gain at the expense of others.  You
have been called to walk in the ways of the Lord.  Do what is right and live in harmony with
your neighbor.  Do not interfere in his
or her life, nor instigate trouble.  The
Lord is righteous and calls those who walk with Him to learn
righteousness.  Be guided by His presence
and know that He gives hope and a Future.

Lord, lead me through all of the difficulties of this age; for things
are often not as they first appear. 
Guide me, O Lord, to see in Your word the wisdom You give that I may now
and always walk according to Your goodness. 
Keep me from stumbling over the schemes of the wicked and let me not
emulate their ways.  Show me the way to
go that I would walk aright in Your sight and live according to Your will.

Lord Jesus, You know how difficult this age can be.  You walked through the traps of those who eventually cornered You and had You crucified.  But this was according to the Father’s will.  Lead me in Your ways that I may learn from You how to live in this age while preparing to be in Your presence forever.  May I be found in You my Lord, walking humbly in the Father’s presence.  Amen.

Photo by Zbysiu Rodak on Unsplash