Devotion for Friday, July 12, 2019

“For the sake of David Your servant, do not turn away the face of Your
anointed.  The Lord has sworn to David a
truth from which He will not turn back: “Of the fruit of your body I will set
upon your throne.”  (Psalm 132:10-11)

No matter what comes, the Lord
will fulfill what He promised.  We may
not understand all of the dynamics, but look and see the faithfulness of the
Lord who, from the beginning, has been faithful to those who turn to Him.  Come then and see the goodness of the
Lord.  Be guided by His ways and make
them Your ways.  Abide in the Lord and He
will bear fruit in you.

Lord, I want to know how all of this will work.  I get caught in trying to figure it out when
all I must do is trust You and the truth that You already have it figured
out.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of
living according to Your will that I would also learn to trust You, especially
when I am unable to understand how it will come to pass.  Lead me into the goodness of Your will.

Lord Jesus, You are the
fulfilment of the promise to David.  You
have come through His lineage and are the One who saves.  Seeing this fruit come to fruition, help me
to trust in the promises You make knowing that one day it shall come to pass as
You have spoken it.  Guide me, O Lord, in
the way You know I need to go.  Let me
not stray from the truth You have revealed. 