Devotion for Monday, July 8, 2019

“Remember, O Lord, on David’s behalf, all his affliction; how he swore
to the Lord and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob,” (Psalm 132:1-2)

David was an interesting
person.  On the one hand, he was so worldly
and sinful.  On the other, he always
turned to the Lord and loved Him.  Love
of the Lord is the heart of the faith. 
Love as the Lord loves.  Come into
His presence and know that the Lord is always good and kind.  Trust in Him above all things and be guided
by His goodness and mercy.  Come to the
Lord as David did.

Lord, You know the conflicts in my heart and soul.  Guide me, O Lord, through all of the pitfalls
that come my way.  Help me in every time
of need.  Help me to look to You first
and foremost.  Whether I have sinned or
am in adversity, guide me, O Lord, according to Your goodness and mercy.  Give me a heart that longs after You.  Grant that my soul would live into the life
You have given me.

Lord Jesus, You have come that those who follow You would be lifted up with You to become like You.  Lead me this day, O Lord, that I would look to You as my guide, strength and shield.  Help me at all times to include You in all that I do.  May I be found in Your presence, walking with You throughout all of my days.  You have come to save me Lord, and in You I hope.  Amen.