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“Seven times a day I praise You, because of Your righteous ordinances.  Those who love Your law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble.  I hope for Your salvation, O Lord, and do Your commandments.”  (Psalm 119:164-166)


In Hebrew the number seven represents spiritual perfection.  But what is in a number?  Spend the time you need to meditate upon the Lord’s Word — not the time you have, but the time you need.  The journey of salvation requires that we walk the narrow path.  We are distant from the Lord and we need to learn to abide in the truth He has revealed.  Come into His presence and receive His peace.


Lord, You know all that I need.  You have called me by grace and through faith that I may attain the better portion of life.  Guide me according to Your Word to live into a life that is obedient to Your will and become a willing servant.  Grant me to dwell in Your house by leading me according to Your Spirit to take those steps You know I need to take in order to abide with You forever.


Lord Jesus, Your life, as You have revealed it through Scripture, shows us what obedience looks like.  Help me to see more clearly each day how to apply this obedience to my own life.  Lead me by Your example to love what is right and true.  The final part of the Great Commission was to learn to obey all that You command.  Help me this day to learn more about obedience.  Amen.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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