Devotion for Wednesday, May 29, 2019

“Look upon my affliction and rescue me, for I do not forget Your
law.  Plead my cause and redeem me;
revive me according to Your word. 
Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek Your
statutes.”  (Psalm 119:153-155)

What does it mean to be
revived?  Is it not to be weak, even
incoherent?  Sometimes in this world we
are weak and the pressure of this world’s wickedness is such that it beats us
senseless.  When this happens, be
refreshed by the living water and come into the Lord’s presence.  He who made you knows all that is
needed.  He will refresh and enliven you
to meet all that you encounter and prevail through Him.

Lord, I need Your strength to live in this world.  It is wearying sometimes as it seems this
world is prevailing.  Lift up my
countenance that I may abide richly in You and You in me.  Guide me according to Your goodness that I
may practice Your precepts and learn to obey all that You have commanded.  Let me not be far from the salvation You have
prepared in the sight of all people.

Lord Jesus, salvation made visible, guide me this day to be one who overcomes the obstacles of this age.  Lift me up to see clearly what I need to step over.  Revive my soul and refresh me in the truth of Your presence, purpose and power.  Help me O Lord now and always to abide only in You and to leave behind the wickedness of this age.  May I now and always be found in You.  Amen.

Photo by Gilles Rolland-Monnet on Unsplash