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“I hate those who are double-minded, but I love Your law. You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for Your word. Depart from me, evildoers, that I may observe the commandments of my God.” (Psalm 119:113-115)

Are you discriminating about those who influence you?  Is it not wisdom to stay away from those who do what is harmful and would have you do the same? You say you love the law of the Lord, but live among and are influenced by those who are double-minded. Be conformed to the word of the Lord and know from the inside out His goodness, mercy, kindness, living according to His Word always.

Lord, there are those around me who would lead me astray. Yet, You call for me to love my neighbor. Help me to discern how to walk that I walk the balance that is needed in this life. Grant that with wisdom I would see through circumstances to hold fast to what is right and true. May I be guided by Your Spirit to be both patient and kind, discerning, but loving You and others always.

Lord Jesus, You walked among us and You know the struggles of daily life. As I abide in You, teach me the right way to walk and live that I would hold fast to the truth. Lead me in being compassionate and forbearing that I would not be swayed by those whose minds are not on the will of the Father. Guide me this day, my Savior, that I would walk humbly with You and learn. Amen.

Photo by kyryll ushakov on Unsplash

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