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“If Your law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction.  I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have revived me.  I am Yours, save me; for I have sought Your precepts.”  (Psalm 119:92-92)

Have you heard, “you are what you eat?”  Whether that is true or not I do not know, but I do know that the one who consumes God’s Word and truly allows the Word to nourish the soul is saved from every affliction.  This does not mean afflictions will not happen, it means that in everything you see the Lord’s hand and His guidance.  Be nurtured by the Lord and the Word He has given.

Lord, in one sense it is so simple.  Help me to take in what You give that it may nurture me.  In so many ways I resist what You have given.  Though I read I may not understand.  Change my heart, O Lord, that I would now and always live in the truth of Your precepts.  You give guidance for life but my heart needs to abide in You that I would always live Your precepts.

Lord Jesus, You have come to not only show the way, but to save me from a heart that wanders.  Guide me this day that I would learn what it is that You would have me learn.  Lead me in the way of truth that I would put into practice Your precepts.  Lord, You have taught me, now please help me put into practice the things You would have me learn this day that it may be to the Father’s glory.  Amen.

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