Devotion for Saturday, April 27, 2019
“It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your
statutes. The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and
silver pieces.” (Psalm 119:71-72)
None of us is where we need to
be. We need the salvation of the Lord. More than just an overlay, it must be
deep-rooted in removing all that stands in the way of our walking in the
righteousness of the Lord. The Lord will stop at nothing to bring you fully
into the way of everlasting life. Rejoice in the love of the Lord and His
willingness to lead you always.
Lord, there are troubles and turmoil in this age. You have promised that
will all be worked for good for those who love You. Help me to see through to
the many times where You have done this. Let me rejoice that even in adversity,
You are growing in me the likeness of Christ. Lead me, O Lord, in all of Your
ways and help me to see Your hand in everything knowing that it is You who
Holy Spirit, reveal in my heart
the many ways in which I am daily learning lessons. Help me to persevere that I
may grow in obedience. Let me not be hindered by the ways of this world which
plague me, but instead see that through Your guidance, I can and will learn and
grow in faith. May I ever rejoice that You have given me the true treasure of
eternity in being forever with You. Amen.