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April 28, 2019: 2nd Sunday of Easter


Acts 5:12-32 (though imprisoned, the disciples are freed by an angel; they continue to proclaim the Gospel, as they must obey God rather than man)

RCL: Acts 5:27-32 (We must obey God, not man; we are witnesses to these things)

Psalm 148 (all creation praises God)

RCL: Psalm 150 (Let all creation praise God!)

Revelation 1:4-18 (John writes to his churches, sees the transcendent Jesus  in midst of the candle stands representing those churches)

John 20:19-31 (Jesus appears, gives Spirit and commission to forgive/retain sins; Thomas’s confession of faith)


Opening Hymn: ELW #361, The Day of Resurrection!

(LBW #141, has a very awkward tune. Use Ellacombe, the tune for “O Day of Rest and Gladness”, #251 which ELW uses and is far more singable, or Lancashire, tune for LBW #495, “Lead On, O Kinky Turtle,” which is also the tune used for “The Day of Resurrection in LSB, #478.)

OR LBW #139, O Sons and Daughters of the King (LSB #471; 470 uses another familiar tune) (ELW #386, O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #154, That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright

(Puh-leeez use the tune that ELW #384 uses for this. “Puer Nobis,” used for “On Jordan’s Banks the Baptist’s Cry”)     

OR LSB #472, These Things Did Thomas Count as Real

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #214, Come, Let Us Eat (ELW #491, LSB #626)

Communion Hymn #2: WOV #678, Christ is Arisen, Alleluia (ELW #372)

Closing Hymn: LBW #131, Christ is Risen! Alleluia! (ELW #382)




May 5, 2019: 3rd Sunday of Easter


Acts 9:1-22 (Conversion of Saul)

Psalm 30 (praise God for deliverance from enemies)

Revelation 5:1-14 (is no one worthy to open the scroll? the heavenly host praise the Lamb who was slain,

who alone is worthy to open the scroll of judgment)

RCL: Revelation 5:11-14 (eliminates weeping because no one found worthy until the slaughtered Lamb appears)

John 21:1-19 (the disciples and the risen Jesus, a miraculous catch of fish, and “Feed my lambs”)


Opening Hymn: LBW #172, Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor (ELW #475, LSB #534)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #210, At the Lamb’s High Feast (ELW #362, LSB #633)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #356, O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts (ELW #658)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #144, Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing! (ELW #385, LSB #475)

Closing Hymn: LBW #170, Crown Him With Many Crowns (ELW #855, LSB #525)


May 12, 2019: 4th Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday), also Mother’s Day


Acts 20:17-35 (Paul, on his way to Jerusalem, exhorts elders to watch over the flock they are entrusted with,

for there are dangerous wolves that threaten them)

            RCL: Acts 9:36-43 (Peter raises Tabitha)

Psalm 23 (the Lord is my shepherd)

Revelation 7:9-17 (salvation belongs to God and to the Lamb; behold a host, arrayed in white)

John 10:22-30 (my sheep hear my voice; no one shall snatch them from my hand)


Opening Hymn: LSB #676, Behold A Host, Arrayed in White (far superior translation)

OR   LBW 314, Behold A Host, Like Mountains Bright (ELW #425, Behold the Host…)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #456, The King of Love My Shepherd Is (ELW #502, LSB #709)

OR LBW #481, Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (ELW #789, LSB #711, both use the old familiar tune from SBH for this hymn)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #537, O Jesus, King Most Wonderful

            OR ELW #826, Thine the Amen (WOV #801, LSB #680)

Communion Hymn #2: LSB #740, I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb

    OR LBW #476, Have No Fear, Little Flock (ELW #764, LSB #735)

Closing Hymn: LBW #196, Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing (ELW #544)



May 19, 2019: 5th Sunday of Easter


Acts 11:1-18 (Peter defends baptism of Cornelius’ household by recounting his vision)

Psalm 148 (all creation praises the Lord)

Revelation 21:1-7 (new heaven and earth; no pain, crying or death; He is Alpha and Omega)

John 16:12-22 (Jesus promises the Spirit, who will declare his words to the disciples; they should rejoice that Jesus is going away,

for he will return, and no one will take away their joy)

RCL: John 13:31-35 (I give you a new command: love each other as I have loved you)


Opening Hymn: WOV #744, Soon and Very Soon (ELW #439)

OR LBW #351, O Happy Day When We Shall Stand (ELW #441)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #129, Awake, My Heart, With Gladness (ELW #378, LSB #467)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #330, In Heaven Above (ELW #630)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #219, Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus (ELW #501)

Closing Hymn: LBW #315, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (ELW #631, LSB #700)





May 26, 2019: 6th Sunday of Easter; Memorial Day Weekend


Acts 16:9-15(mission to Macedonia; meeting in house of Lydia)

Psalm 67 (May God be gracious to us and bless us; let all peoples praise him)

Revelation 21:9-14, 21-27 (vision of the New Jerusalem)

John 16:22-33 (then you will ask anything of the Father in my name, and receive; you joy will be complete.

In the world you have trouble, but I have overcome the world) 

RCL: John 14:23-29 (Those who love me keep my word; I give you peace; I send the Spirit; rejoice, because I go to the Father)


Opening Hymn: LBW #250, Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty (ELW #533, LSB #901)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #161, O Day Full Of Grace (ELW #627, LSB #503)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #331, Jerusalem, My Happy Home (ELW #628, LSB #673)

Communion Hymn #2: WOV #781, My Life Flows On In Endless Song (ELW #673)

Closing Hymn: LBW #552, In Thee is Gladness (ELW #867, LSB #818)




June 2, 2019: 7th Sunday of Easter, or Ascension of Our Lord, Transferred


Lessons for the Ascension of Our Lord


Acts 1:1-11 (the Ascension story)

Psalm 47 (God has gone up with a shout!)

Ephesians 1:15-23 (God has put all things under Christ’s feet, made him the head of the body; given you a glorious inheritance)

Luke 24:44-53 (you are witnesses: proclaim Jesus’ death and resurrection,  proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sin; Ascension in brief)


Lessons for 7th Sunday of Easter:


Acts 1:12-26 (Barnabas chosen to round out the Twelve)

            RCL: Acts 16:16-34 (Paul and Silas exorcise demon from slave girl; are thrown in prison; their chains miraculously broken;

jailers believe and are baptized)

Psalm 133 (Good and pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity)

RCL: Psalm 97 (The Lord is king; heavens and all nations bow down; Zion rejoices; God loves and guards the faithful)

Revelation 22:1-20 (the river and Tree of Life; final warnings and invitation  to the marriage supper; Come, Lord Jesus!)

John 17:20-26 (Jesus prays for all believers, that they be one as he and the Father are one)


I have chosen hymns that should be successful whichever lessons you are using;  or I have offered an alternative


Opening Hymn: LBW #328, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (ELW #634, LSB #549)

Hymn of the Day, Ascension theme: LBW #156, Look, O Look, the Sight is Glorious (LSB #495, Look, Ye Saints, the Sight is Glorious)

OR LBW #172, Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor (same tune as 156!)  (ELW #475, LSB #534)


Hymn of Day, 7 Easter theme: LBW #206, Lord, Who in the Night You Were Betrayed Did Pray  (ELW #463)

       OR LBW #358, Glories of Your Name are Spoken (ELW #647, LSB #648, Glorious Things of You Are Spoken)


Communion Hymn #1: LBW #157, A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing (ELW #393, LSB #493)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #549, Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (ELW #865, LSB #793)

Closing Hymn: LBW #158, Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (ELW #392, LSB #821)



June 9, 2019: Day of Pentecost


Genesis 11:1-9 (Tower of Babel and confusion of languages)

Psalm 143 (prayer of longing for God’s refreshing presence)

            RCL: Psalm 104: 24-35 (it calls for elimination of v. 35a, “Let sinners be consumed and the wicked be no more.” I dare you to keep it in.)

Acts 2:1-21 (Day of Pentecost and undoing of Babel)

John 14:23-31 (Love me, do my commandments; I am sending the Spirit who will remind you  of all my words; my peace I give to you)

RCL: John 14:8-17 ( See me, see the Father; if you love me, keep my commandments; the Father will send the Spirit of truth)



Opening Hymn: LBW #359, In Christ there Is No East or West (ELW #650, LSB #653)

            OR LBW #508, Come Down, O Love Divine (ELW #804, LSB #501)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #472, Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire

  (ELW #577,578, Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove, somewhat different translation); (LSB #498, 499, yet another translation)

OR WOV #687, Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading (ELW #401)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #475, Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove (ELW #404)

Communion Hymn #2: ELW #405, O Spirit of Life

OR LBW #488, Breathe On Me, Breath of God

Closing Hymn: LBW #285, Spirit of God, Sent From Heaven Abroad

OR LBW #257, Holy Spirit, Truth Divine (ELW #398) (LSB #496, Holy Spirit, Light Divine)



June 16, 2019: The Holy Trinity, also Father’s Day


Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31(the Wisdom of God, in whom all was created)

Psalm 8 (your works are excellent; what is man that you are mindful of him)

Acts 2:14a, 22-36 (Peter’s Pentecost sermon: Jesus is Lord and God)

            RCL: Romans 5:1-5 (We have peace with God through Jesus; the Spirit of him who raised up Christ is poured into our hearts)

John 8:48-59 (Before Abraham was, I AM)

            RCL: John 16:12-15 (The Spirit will declare all he has heard; will take what is Jesus’ that he received from his Father)



Opening Hymn: LBW #522, Come Thou, Almighty King (ELW #408, LSB #905)

OR LBW #544, v. 1-4, The God of Abraham Praise (ELW #831 v. 1-4, LSB #798 v. 1-4)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #535, Holy God, We Praise Your Name (ELW #414, LSB #940)

OR LBW #544, v. 7-9, The God of Abraham Praise

(ELW #831 v. 5-6, LSB #798  v. 5-7)

OR (may take place of Nicene Creed; however, if you use the Athanasian Creed on Trinity Sunday, you may switch this to the closing hymn)


Almighty Father, Creator Blest

Tune: Victory (The Strife is O’er)


Dedicated to the Pastors of the Society of the Holy

By Rev. Cathy A. Ammlung, STS


(before first verse; note, “in” is sung on two notes):

 Credo, credo, credo in_ unum Deum!

Almighty Father, Creator blest,

Worlds sprang to life at his behest;

Seen and unseen, his name they confessed:

Credo, credo!

Lord Jesus Christ, his only Son,

In truth and substance, they are one;

Pure Light from Light, in him life’s begun:

Credo, credo!

For us poor sinners, mortal and weak,

He came from heav’n, the lost to seek,

God’s Word made flesh, salvation to speak.

Credo, credo!

Born of the virgin, Mary most pure,

And of the Spirit, to be sin’s cure,

Christ became man; let praises endure –

Credo, credo!

For us, ‘neath Pilate’s judgment he died –

For us, our Lord was crucified,

For us, he rose again, glorified:

Credo, credo!

Ascended to the Father’s throne,

He shall return, to judge everyone,

And rule fore’er, as Lord and God:

Credo, credo!

Most Holy Spirit, life-giving Lord,

One with the Father and Son, adored,

Inspiring prophets’ holy word,

Credo, credo!

Making one holy Church in the world,

One with apostles, martyrs and Lord,

One through baptism with water and Word,

Credo, credo!

From sin forgiven, we are made free,

Christ’s life from death our future shall be,

Forever praising the Trinity:

Credo, credo!

(final refrain: as in opening)

Credo, credo, credo in_ unum Deum!


Communion Hymn #1: LBW #526, Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (ELW #834, LSB #802)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #169, Father Most Holy (ELW #415, LSB #504)

Closing Hymn: LBW #544, v. 9-11, The God of Abraham Praise (ELW #831 v. 7-8, LSB #798 v. 8-9)

OR  LBW #165, Holy, Holy, Holy (ELW #413, LSB #507)

OR ELW #845, Voices Raised To You We Offer (LSB #795) (very familiar tune!)






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