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“Turn away my reproach which I dread, for Your ordinances are good. Behold, I long for Your precepts; revive me through Your righteousness.” (Psalm 119:39-40)

In our heart and soul, we know right from wrong. Either we increase the desire for all that is wrong, or else we walk the narrow path that seeks to learn to live righteously always. Long for the goodness of the Lord and seek His way while it may be found. Life comes from the Lord. Walk in the way of life. Walk in the way of the Lord. Seek His righteousness and all else that is needed will be added.

Lord, You know all of the things that get in the way of my walking humbly with You. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I may pursue righteousness all the days of my life. Let not the cares of this world overcome me, but lift me up by Your grace that I may now and always walk in the way of truth. You alone know all that is needed. Keep me on the humble path of being Your servant.

Lord Jesus, You are the model of the godly life. Help me to walk with You and follow Your lead. Where I am wrong, correct me. Where I am weak, strengthen me. Where I am unable, lift me up to do what You give me to do. In all things, help me learn to praise you in all circumstances. You are the author and finisher of my faith. Write another chapter in me this day, I pray. Amen.

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