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“Even though princes sit and talk against me, Your servant meditates on Your statutes. Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.” (Psalm 119:23-24)

Does it really matter what others say? Even though they be powerful people in this world, what can they do? Do not fear the one who can destroy the body, but the One who can destroy body and soul. Meditate upon the Word of the Lord. Learn the way of the Lord, for it is the way of life. God’s Word is a Counselor, for this is One of His names, “Mighty Counselor.”  Trust always in the Lord.

Lord, I hear these words and I know in my mind that they are true but my heart fears. Though I say I do not fear death, I do not want pain and misery. Take my heart from where it is to the place that no matter what happens around me I may know that You are God and worthy of all honor and praise. Lead me, O Lord, into the eternal truth You have spoken through Your statutes.

Lord Jesus, I need the Spirit which You breathed upon Your disciples. I need the guidance and ability that only You can give. Though ten thousand fall round about me, let it not be me who falls. I speak not of the death of this body, but of the faith You have given me by grace. Lead me ever deeper to abide in You, who is Lord of lords and King of kings, that I may share in Your everlasting life. Amen.

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