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The Prayers of the Church, 

Palm/Passion Sunday, Cycle C (April 14, 2019)


For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

A brief silence

 Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, save and redeem your Church. Through its ministry of Word, Sacrament, fellowship and service, draw all people to yourself.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

 Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, save and redeem those who suffer for the sake of your name, and those who risk danger to proclaim the Gospel to those who do not know you. By their faithful witness, draw all people to yourself.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

 Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, save and redeem this congregation. Through our faith toward you, and fervent love for one another, draw all people to yourself.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, save and redeem our children, especially those who are most vulnerable because of illness, poverty, abuse or violence. Through their innocent praise of your goodness, draw all people to yourself.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, save and redeem the people in every land and nation. By the guidance of the Holy Spirit, establish your peace in every place; and draw all people to yourself.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

 Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, save and redeem all whose work is difficult and dangerous, including those in the military and all first responders. By their labors, establish places of safety and calm; and there draw all people to yourself.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

  Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, save and redeem all who are afflicted by sin, suffering, and sorrow, especially: {List}. Use the witness of their faithful waiting, and their blessed healing, to draw all people to yourself.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, by your Cross and precious Blood, you have saved and redeemed all who have died trusting your promises. Now keep us steadfast in faith, patient in suffering, generous in service, and loving in fellowship. Through your Cross and innocent suffering for the sake of the world, draw all people to yourself, and bestow upon all the redeemed the fullness of your forgiveness, blessing, and eternal life.

O Christ, thou Lamb of God, hear our prayer.

 Hear us, gracious Father, for the sake of your well-beloved Son, who intercedes for us before your throne of mercy.



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