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“The cords of death encompassed me and the terrors of Sheol came upon me; I found distress and sorrow. Then I called upon the name of the Lord: “O Lord, I beseech You, save my life!” Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate.” (Psalm 116:3-5)

As you look out at the state of the world, you see wickedness and destruction. The Lord is good and rightly to be praised, but the world is bad and alarming. Come to the Lord while He may be found and know His mercy and grace which lifts up out of the mire those who turn to Him. Taste the goodness of the Lord and walk in the way He is calling you that you may know love and compassion.

Lord, You know the state of my heart and the way of destruction of this world. You know the confusion and the difficulty it is for sinful humans to discern between right and wrong. Lift up my countenance to see You through the haze of this world and know the way of goodness. Save me from the insanity of this always-sinning generation that I may be lifted up to You forever.

Lord Jesus, You are the way and there is no other way to move through the cloud of this age. You, the Truth, have come to lead us in the only way of life worth living. Guide me now and always that I may walk humbly with You in the salvation You have prepared. Lift me up to see more clearly this day that by Your grace I may abide with You, giving praise to the Father and being always thankful. Amen.

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