The Prayers of the Church, 5th Sunday in Lent, Cycle C, April 7, 2019


5th Sunday in Lent, Cycle C (April 7, 2019)


 For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

A brief silence


Lord Jesus, when we contemplate your self-sacrificing love for us, we can only repeat the words of two beloved hymns: “Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a tribute far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!” “Thousand thousand thanks are due, dearest Jesus, unto you!”


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Grant that your Church should count everything as loss, compared to the surpassing worth of knowing you as Savior, Lord, and God. Fill it with the overwhelming desire to make you known to every sinner throughout the world, until you truly are the “all in all,” for all. Especially we pray for the persecuted Church, and for missionaries and evangelists throughout the world.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Strengthen and guide this congregation in faithful worship, loving fellowship, generous outreach, and holy living. Make this place a true sanctuary, a place of refreshment and refuge for souls battered by sin, sorrow, and suffering.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for those preparing for Baptism at Eastertide; for everyone seeking to renew their relationship with you; and for all pastors, congregations, and ministries in the midst of transition. Be their companion and guide along their pilgrim path; refresh them with the joy of your saving help; and bless them with your lovingkindness.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Give peace, justice, health and safety to every nation, especially our own. Grant wisdom and integrity to all who have been entrusted with authority and power, especially our elected and appointed leaders. Teach us to love one another through deeds of mercy and words of understanding.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


There are so many people who hunger for healing and thirst for reconciliation; who long for encouragement and seek understanding; who desire forgiveness, comfort, faith, and hope. Refresh them in the wilderness of their suffering, dear Lord – especially those we lift before you now {List}.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In gratitude and hope, we entrust our beloved dead into your keeping, dear Lord. Bestow the Holy Spirit, the Comforter upon us all, especially upon all who mourn. Through the same Spirit’s power and gifts, grant that throughout our life, we may know you, O Christ, and the power of your resurrection. Give us grace to share in your suffering. Claim us as your own, clothe us with your righteousness, and, of your mercy, welcome us and all whom you have redeemed into your Father’s  everlasting Kingdom.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Hear us, dear Lord; and answer our prayers according to your will, to your glory and for the benefit of the people you long to save.




Devotion for Sunday, March 10, 2019

“Their idols are silver and gold, the work of man’s hands. They have
mouths, but they cannot speak; they have eyes, but they cannot see; they have
ears, but they cannot hear; they have noses, but they cannot smell;” (Psalm

Technology is an idol of this
age. Sports and entertainment are idols of this age. We have many things that people
worship and where does it get them? These things consume our time and take our
minds off higher things. We listen to these dead gods and think that in them is
life. Life comes only from the One who has created life. Come to the Lord and
know that He alone is good and worthy.

Lord, clear my mind to see more clearly the truth that tools we have
created answer no questions of meaning . Guide me in the way I should go that I
would not be caught up in the nonsensical thinking of this world. You alone
give life. Lead me to see that in You alone is meaning, hope and the only
future that is good.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead
me into an abundant life. Teach me what I need to know that I may see more
clearly the state of this world. Help me now and always to see through what
this world offers that I may not fall prey to the false gods of this age. They
are unthinking and uncaring. You alone have the words of eternal life. Lead me
ever closer to You my Savior. Amen.