Devotion for Wednesday, February 6, 2019
“O God of my praise, do not be silent! For they have opened the wicked
and deceitful mouth against me; they have spoken against me with a lying
tongue. They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, and fought against
me without cause.” (Psalm 109:1-3)
The world is filled with anger
and hatred. The world speaks lying words. No sooner are you speaking when you
are cut off with absurdities. This is the confusion of the wicked. They speak
with lying tongues and do not want to hear the Word of the Lord. They will
fight against the Lord with vitriol, but remain silent in the face of others
who do wickedness. Hold fast to the Word of the Lord.
Lord, in my mind I am tossed about and thrown to and fro in the midst
of adversity. Help me to not become carried away in adversity. Guide me into
the truth of Your Word that I may humbly abide in Your presence and learn to
practice what is right and true. Lead me, O Lord, into the salvation You have
prepared for all who believe that I may learn to hold fast to You.
Lord Jesus, Word made flesh,
guide me ever deeper into the mystery of faith. Amidst the tossing waves of
this world, teach me to walk with You that I may stay atop the waves and not be
drowned by them. Grant to me a discerning ear and a shrewd mind that I would
not be taken in by the constant lying and deceit of this world. Help me to live
into the life You have demonstrated that I may become like You. Amen.