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“He has given freely to the poor, His righteousness endures forever; his horn will be exalted in honor. The wicked will see it and be vexed, he will gnash his teeth and melt away; the desire of the wicked will perish.” (Psalm 112:9-10)

Even the birds of the air, are taken care of by the Lord. He provides for everything He has made. The wicked take what is intended for others and are vexed when they are provided for in spite of their best intentions to leave others destitute. There are great mysteries in this world. The Lord provides all that is needed for all of His creation, even the wicked.

Lord, even in writing this I thought about many things I could say were exceptions, but these excuses are not true. There is more than enough for everyone on this planet. Lord, You teach me to care for others as You care for me. Lead me in this direction so that I would stop thinking in circles and start walking the path You have set me upon. Lead me. O Lord. where I should go.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for teaching me of the goodness of the Father. Help me today to live out the faith You have given me. Guide me in Your goodness to help others as You have helped me. May I learn a little more about what it means to abide in You as You abide in me. Through all of the things that will happen teach me to rejoice and give praise for all of the goodness of the Father. Amen.

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