Prayers of the Church, 3rd Sunday in Lent, Cycle C, March 24, 2019


3rd Sunday in Lent, Cycle C (March 24, 2019)


 For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

A brief silence


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your Son, who warns us of our sin, and who provides our remedy. Thank you for your Holy Spirit, who gives us grace to repent of our sin, and who provides an escape door when we are tempted to sin. Help us in these struggles; and have mercy on us when we fall.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Make the Church your sure sentinel, so that by word and deed, it helps many people to turn away from their sin and turn toward the Cross, upon which was hung their salvation. Keep your persecuted servants safe in their time of testing; and cause their tormentors to repent of their evil ways.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Help everyone in this congregation to be fruitful fig trees, abounding in righteousness, faithfulness, love, peace, and every good work that proclaims your glory and nourishes your people.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for everyone who is tempted to engage in sinful acts out of fear, desperation, ignorance, or malice. Help us to speak truth in love with them – and help us to hear words of truthful warning when they are spoken to us! Give us grace to encourage and accompany those who resolve to walk in the path of righteousness.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord, our earthly leaders – in government, industry, education, and elsewhere – often seem blind, deaf, and dumb regarding wise words, just decisions, and righteous deeds. Lead them to repent of selfish, wrongheaded, and evil laws or decisions, and to eagerly seek the good you set before us all.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We plead on behalf of everyone who suffers in body, mind, or spirit – especially: {List}. We pray for everyone who cares for hurting, lonely, grieving, and vulnerable people. Refresh them with your gracious Spirit, and give them the joy of your saving help.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Most holy Father, thank you for the lives of your faithful servants who now rest from their labors. Keep their memories bright and their witness strong. Keep us in fellowship with them by faith, and with one another by love. Then, we pray: gather all who have been redeemed through the death and resurrection of your Son into the blessedness of your Kingdom, where with you and the Holy Spirit he reigns as Savior, Lord and God forever.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Hear us, dear Lord; and answer our prayers according to your will, to your glory and for the benefit of the people you long to save.



Devotion for Tuesday, February 26, 2019

“It is well with the man who is gracious and lends; he will maintain
his cause in judgment. For he will never be shaken; the righteous will be
remembered forever.” (Psalm 112:5-6)

The fruits of those who do what
is right in the sight of the Lord, gives evidence of their faith. They who practice
what is right and good show forth the justice of the Lord. Blessed are they who
look to the Lord and seek to live according to His word. Come into a life that
seeks first above all things to please the Lord. Know that in Him is all
goodness and mercy.

Lord, You know my inner life and the things I do that do not reflect
Your commands. Teach me to do as You would have me do that I may grow into the
kind of person You are calling me to be in faith. Remove the obstacles that
hinder a life of faithfulness that I may abide in the truth of Your Word and in
Your presence. Lead me away from the ways of this world into the goodness of

Lord Jesus, You gave of Yourself
to others each day. By Your example help me to help others as the Spirit leads.
Guide me in the way of goodness that I may now and always live according to the
commands You have given, doing what is pleasing in the Father’s sight. Lead me,
O Lord, and help me to always follow You as You guide me in the way of
salvation which You have prepared. Amen.