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“Splendid and majestic is His work, and His righteousness endures forever. He has made His wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate.” (Psalm 111:3-4)

Marvel at the mountains. See the beauty of an insect flying through the air. Watch as critters scamper around. All creatures are provided for. How wonderful that God gives to all that have need. See this and not the destruction that is evident in our age. The Lord looked at all that He made and said, “It is good.” Be guided by this goodness and live into the hope He gives.

Lord, I need this new heart that You promise. I am often negative in focusing upon the death and destruction of this age. Help me live into the hope and promise You give that I may be free to enjoy all Your promises. May I be guided in You to live into the truth of Your revelation, knowing that all things now, then and forever are,have been and will be in Your hands. Your goodness is evident in Your creation.

Holy Spirit, as I live through this day, help me to see the good things that are around me. Lead my heart, mind and soul to focus upon what is right and good. Lead my footsteps to do right things, living into the image of Christ. May I be found today to have been truthful, thankful and praising You for all that You give. Lead me into the goodness of spirit that You have promised through my salvation. Amen.

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