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“He changes rivers into a wilderness and springs of water into a thirsty ground; a fruitful land into a salt waste, because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it.” (Psalm 107:31-32)

Do not fall for the deception that all of the changes that happen upon the earth are random. The Lord is in control of His creation. He causes the winds to blow where they will and shifts the landscape. This is His creation. He will shift the lands because of the wickedness that is in the world. He is the author of history and will do what is needed to assure that all who are in the Book of Life come to know Him.

Lord, You have revealed the mystery of unfolding history. Help me to see clearly that it is You who is control of the universe. Lead me with this understanding to be wise and discerning that I may not be deceived. Help me to look to You in all circumstances. You are the Creator of all that exists and only in You is there help and salvation. Lift up my spirit to look to You at all times.

Lord Jesus, You alone are able to lift any of us up through the mire of this world. Clear my thinking to see more clearly Your hand in all things. When calamities come, remind me in the Spirit that it is You who controls all things, for all authority is Yours. By Your grace, lead me this day in humility to do whatever it is that You see I can do.Guide me to become more like You this day. Amen.

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