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The annual March for Life is Friday, January 18. We encourage all Lutherans to meet and march together. More ELCA pro-life people could increase pressure on that denomination to live up to its social statement on the topic (imperfect, but better than most realize).

NALC LIFE Conference

All Lutherans are very welcome at the NALC LIFE Conference the day before the March, Thursday, January 17, starting at noon with lunch at Trinity Lutheran Church, 276 Cleveland St., Warrenton VA. And you can’t beat the registration cost: Free! It would be nice to call them and let them know you will be there so they can prepare for lunch. The event concludes by 5:00. It is a great place to connect and have your questions answered before heading into the city the next day.

Where to Begin?

The best way to begin the day of the March is by attending the National Memorial for the Preborn and Their Mothers and Fathers. Christian believers and clergy from numerous denominations, including Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, will gather for this event at historic Constitution Hall in Washington, DC, 1776 D St., NW (18th and D St) on the morning of Friday, January 18, 2019. The interdenominational service will take place from 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Fr. Pavone will deliver the sermon. Admission is free, no tickets are required, and large groups are welcome. Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Sandra Merritt will be our special guest speakers and we will welcome Joyce Im Bartholomew as our musical guest. See Clergy are invited to vest and sit on the stage (arrive by 8 if you want to participate).

Text Me

The city will be crowded. You are welcome to text me at 570-916-7780. But be patient; I often can’t hear calls or don’t respond to text messages immediately. Lutherans tend to gather at 12th St. and Constitution Ave to set up their banners and prepare to march the 1.3 miles to the Supreme Court building.

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