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“There were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in misery and chains, because they had rebelled against the words of God and spurned the counsel of the Most High. Therefore, He humbled their heart with labor; they stumbled and there was none to help.” (Psalm 107:10-12)

The high fall low and all are humbled as they work with their hands. Did not the Lord say that we would work by the sweat of our brow? Do not grumble at the Lord, nor curse the gift He gives when He gives you labor. It is the Lord alone who lifts up those who turn to Him. He is the help of every age. Look to the Lord and know that He sees and cares for His creation.

Lord, I too grumble and complain at the state of things without looking to You or inward to myself. Guide me, O Lord, to be humble and truthful, knowing that only in You is there hope. Guide me in the way of everlasting life that I may now and always abide in You and the revelation of Your truth. Help me now and always to see through what is happening in this world to know that Your hand is always present. You are there in every shadow of death.

Lord Jesus, you told Nicodemus to look to the cross as the Israelites were instructed to look at the snakes lifted on the pole. Help me to come under the shadow of the cross knowing that no matter what this world sends my way, I am always under Your guidance and grace. Lead me, O Lord, in the path of righteousness for Your name’s sake, to walk all the days of my life with You. Amen.

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