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“They did not destroy the peoples, as the Lord commanded them, but they mingled with the nations and learned their practices, and served their idols,which became a snare to them.” (Psalm 106:34-35)

Why does man continue to mix and mingle with that which he knows will bring about destruction? This has been his ways from the fall. We are told not to take in that which will pollute us and then go ahead and take it in. Yes, the company you keep does matter. Yes, you will be influenced by those around you. The Lord is after making you pure even as He is pure.

Lord, teach me the boundaries I need to have around my life knowing that You have also commanded me to love my neighbor. Place in me the gifts of Your Spirit that I may walk firmly amidst this divisive world in understanding.You have told me to learn to obey all that You have commanded. Guide me to do just this now and always that I may walk humbly with my God.

Lord Jesus, You who have come to rescue those who believe, guide me this day to abide in You and avoid those places where I will be tempted to compromise Your truth in my life. Help me to walk graciously, but firmly in the truth You have revealed. Through all things and in all circumstances, help me to hold fast to Your Word of truth which You have given to those who believe. Amen.

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