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“Then Phinehas stood up and interposed, and so the plague was stayed. And it was reckoned to him for righteousness, to all generations forever.” (Psalm 106:30-31)

The prayers of a righteous man are effective. The prayers of the unrighteous are heard, but not answered. Know that all things are in the Lord’s hands and He will lift up or bring down those whom He has chosen. Be guided not by the things of this world, but by the hand of the Almighty in whose hands you are placed. Walk in His ways and in the example of the righteous One.

Lord, this world, with all of its ups and downs, is filled with many choices. Or so it seems. Really, it is a matter of following You no matter the circumstances, or any other way. Lead me, O Lord, to see through the fog of this age that I may walk with the righteous. Guide me along Your path and for Your sake that I would now and always grow in the righteousness You give by grace.

Lord Jesus, You are righteousness incarnate. Raise me up to be with You that I may be where You are. Help me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I may understand more this day than I have in days past. Help me through those things the world speaks, knowing the ungodly cannot understand the way, truth and life, for it is only in You that these things exist, and only by You are they given. Amen.

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