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“He gave them also the lands of the nations, that they might take possession of the fruit of the peoples’ labor, so that they might keep His statutes and observe His laws, praise the Lord!” (Psalm 105:44-45)

What is it that the Lord has given you? Have you already forgotten His many benefits? All that is needed, the Lord has provided. Look through the Ten Commandments and you will see that there is nothing that you lack. Work this day knowing that the joy of the Lord has been given to you. He who knows you knows how to prosper you for the sake of eternity. Live and rejoice in His presence.

Lord, You know those places where I am stunted in growth and conditional in affection. Lead me through all that You have commanded that I may not covet what my neighbor has, nor think that I am not provided for by You. You are gracious and merciful. Bring me to the place of having a heart that is filled with gratitude and one that willingly does all that You have asked me to do.

In Your example, Lord Jesus, help me to walk this day. You have shown the way, truth and You are the life. Guide me to become like You that in all things I offer praise and thanksgiving to You. Help me today, O Lord, to do those things as Holy Spirit guides me, knowing that only in You and by grace can I walk faithfully. May I feel blessed this day and be a blessing to others. Amen.

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