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“The king sent and released him, the ruler of peoples, and set him free. He made him lord of his house and ruler over all his possessions, to imprison his princes at will, that he might teach his elders wisdom.” (Psalm 105:20-22)


The Lord grants wisdom to those who pursue it in His name. Come then into His presence and gain understanding of His will. Know that the Lord has made Himself approachable and knows all there is to know. Journey with Him and do not be confused by this age of unreason. Know that in the Lord is purpose and meaning, and all things come together through the One who made all things.

Lord, this world is conflicted and confusing. Guide me according to Your purposes that I may walk in Your ways now and forever. Lead me ever deeper into wisdom and understanding that I may grow in the way You have determined. May I always be pliable in Your hands knowing both that You are the potter and I am the clay, and that You alone know all that needs to be done as You prepare eternity for those who love You.

Lord Jesus, You have come that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Lead me away from the ways of this world and into the life that comes through the salvation You have offered. Guide me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go that I may now and always live into the life given me by grace and Your gift of faith. Help me to always follow Your example knowing that You alone grant life eternal. Amen.

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