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“And He called for a famine upon the land; He broke the whole staff of bread. He sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.” (Psalm 105:16-17)


The Lord allows what He allows to befall the people. There are those who think Him unjust. His ways are not our ways. You, who are a sinner, knowing that all who sin are under the death penalty, is it “fair” that you live? Such silly questions are meant to distract. The Lord is merciful that you might have the opportunity to be in His presence now and forever. He has a purpose in everything.

Lord, I live in an egotistical age that demands to know things, when they do not know the elemental things. Help me, I pray, to see the truth that You are God and that no matter what happens, I am in Your arms of mercy and grace. Guide me according to Your never-failing principles to see in You the hope of glory and the way of everlasting life, that I may live in You.

Lord Jesus, You have come to rescue us from the condemnation which is ours. We may think in terms of fairness, but have nothing apart from You upon which to base our judgement. Bring my heart to look to You in all circumstances knowing that You are my Savior. Keep my eyes upon You and not the noise of this world. Lead me according to Your goodness that I may now and always abide in You. Amen.

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