“There the ships move along, and Leviathan, which You have formed to sport in it. They all wait for You to give them their food in due season.” (Psalm 104:26-27)
The hyper-pietist might be offended to think the Lord laughs. He created the leviathan for fun. He did it because He can. Were we not created in God’s image? Do we not laugh and have joy when we do? The Lord is complex as we are complex and He is diverse as we are diverse because we were made in His image. He made us, we did not make Him. Abide in His presence and know that He is good.
Lord, I often fall prey to thinking of You as a two-dimensioned creation. You are God, the Creator of all things. Help me to delve into Your mystery and majesty knowing that You who created all things provides for what You have created. Teach me to rejoice and laugh with joy in the midst of this marvelous creation that You have made. Guide me into the right spirit that humbly bows before You in all things.
Come, Holy Spirit, and minister to my heart that I would now and always praise You for the goodness that is all around me. Yes, I am in a world filled with evil. Yes, there are problems and difficulties, but help me now and always to see through these to see Your ever present goodness in all things. Lead me to be one who loves and praises You above all things. Amen.