PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, December 9, 2018: 2nd Sunday in Advent
For the Church, the world, for one another, and for the sake of all people, let us pray to the Lord.
A brief silence
Dear Father, at times we experience your love as a refiner’s fire. You burn away our sins and purify our bodies, hearts, minds, and spirits to perfectly love you and our neighbor. Though we tremble beneath your chastening touch, we thank and praise you for not abandoning us to our sins. In your tender compassion, let your Sun of Righteousness dawn upon us, to make our lives bright with holiness and joy, righteousness and peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Bring to completion that good work which you have begun in the Church. Refine its words and purify its deeds. Make its pastors and bishops your heralds of Messiah’s close approach. Produce a harvest of righteousness, repentance, and faith in its people. Purify the hearts of your persecuted servants. Let their suffering be a fragrant offering to you; and let their witness shine like gold before their tormentors.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We ask your blessing upon all who give gifts to the poor, especially to children. Grant joy in the giving and delight in the receiving. And let each gift become a small token of your lavish gift of salvation and forgiveness, bestowed in your own beloved Son Jesus.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Give the people of this congregation hearts overflowing with love, and minds filled with wisdom and sound judgment. Bless all who participate in ministries of service, comfort, and care; so that those to whom they minister experience the blessing of Christ himself.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for our elected and appointed leaders. Grant that, unlike Herod, they heed the words of John the Baptist, acknowledge you as their sovereign Lord, and govern with wisdom. Teach all of us to be honest, generous and humble stewards of your gifts. Give us that peace which is the hallmark of your Kingdom in our midst.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
John spoke wise words to soldiers who came to him for baptism. Grant integrity, courage and competence to all who take up arms in defense of life and liberty, especially {List}. Use them to restore safety and justice in dangerous places. Spare them from death; heal them in mind and body; strengthen their families; and bring them home swiftly when their task is done.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Remove the burden of pain, fear, and sorrow from the backs of all who suffer in any way. Most especially we lift before you the needs of {List}. Bring them into a broad and spacious place where they may rejoice in your goodness and give thanks for their deliverance.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Merciful Father, we entrust into your never-failing care our beloved dead, especially: {List}. Ease the sorrow of those whose grief runs deep. Revive our spirits, direct our days and our deeds in your peace, and make us abound in love and in every good work. Strengthen our hearts with the gift of your Spirit, so that we may be blameless at the coming of Jesus. And gather us, with all the redeemed, into your eternal Kingdom, where we shall rejoice in your goodness and righteousness forever.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For all these things; for all we lift before you in the silence of our hearts; and for everything that you know we need, we pray in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, and commend into your mighty and merciful hands.