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PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, December 2, 2018: 1st Sunday of Advent


For the Church, the world, for one another, and for the sake of all people, let us pray to the Lord.

A brief silence

How precious is your love, dear Father, and how vast your mercy! You made great and solemn promises to your people Israel – and through them, to the whole world. And in your dear son Jesus, each of your promises finds its eternal Yes. Prepare our hearts in this Advent season for his threefold coming among us: As the Babe of Bethlehem, veiled in human flesh. As the Head of the Church, veiled in word and water, bread and wine. And as the Lord and Savior, Redeemer and King of the universe, veiled only in robes of light and love and life, the glorious Yes who fulfills your ancient promises, and our eternal heart’s desire.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Fill your Church with your Holy Spirit, so it may instruct sinners in your way. Strengthen it in holiness. Give it boldness to proclaim your Word that shall never pass away. Make it abound in love, especially when persecuted, so that its enemies do not exult, but instead repent and believe the Good News.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the Jews, our elder brothers and sisters in the faith and kin, in their flesh, to Jesus the righteous Branch of David. Banish persecution and hatred of them from every human heart. Unite us with them in faith toward you and fervent love for one another. Bring us together under the glorious and gentle rule of our Savior and theirs.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Adorn this congregation with faith, love, mercy, generosity, and holiness – things more beautiful and enduring than wreaths, trees, ornaments, and lights. Turn our hearts and hands to adorn all who are hurting, bitter, frightened, and needy, with these lovely gifts.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Teach us to live at peace with one another; to seek your will rather than our own; and to use whatever power and authority any of us has for the common good. Give wisdom, integrity, courage, and common sense to our elected and appointed leaders, and to all who risk their lives in defense of liberty, justice, safety, and peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We plead on behalf of everyone who is in special need of your merciful care and glorious deliverance – especially: {List}. Gladden their hearts, heal their bodies, uphold their spirits with your own Holy Spirit, and surround them with the love and care of all who hold them dear.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 Merciful Father, we entrust into your never-failing care our beloved dead, especially: {List}. Ease the sorrow of those whose grief runs deep. Revive our spirits, direct our days and our deeds in your peace, and make us abound in love and in every good work. Strengthen our hearts with the gift of your Spirit, so that we may be blameless at the coming of Jesus. And gather us, with all the redeemed, into your eternal Kingdom, where we shall rejoice in your goodness and righteousness forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For all these things; for all we lift before you in the silence of our hearts; and for everything that you know we need, we pray in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, and commend into your mighty and merciful hands.






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