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“You will arise and have compassion on Zion; for it is time to be gracious to her, for the appointed time has come. Surely Your servants find pleasure in her stones and feel pity for her dust.” (Psalm 102:13-14)


Whenever you see the word “Zion,” think of those who walk in the way of the Lord. Focus upon your walk and do not worry so much about the others, who is and who isn’t walking with the Lord. The Lord has promised to work all things together for those who love the Lord, for Zion. God’s goodness and grace is given to those who are walking with Him, yet there will be troubles in this age for all.

Lord, I often become so conditional in my desire to have things go the way I think they should go. Help me, I pray, to see in You the hope of eternity. Often, in spite of the difficulty of this age, I forget that You are working all things together for good. Help me, I pray, to see in You the eternal hope of glory and know that in You is life and liberty and direction. You have already provided all that is needed.

Lord Jesus, You have come that Zion may have grace. Guide me through the grace You give that I may walk humbly with You through all things. Lead me to not be anxious, but instead to be bold in faith, humble in attitude and willing to do all that You give me to do. Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go that I may now and always walk with You into eternity. Amen.

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