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“My days are like a lengthened shadow, and I wither away like grass. But You, O Lord, abide forever, and Your name to all generations.” (Psalm 102:11-12)


The time in this age is short. If one thinks of eternity, the time is but a moment, the exhaust of a breath. Why do you strive for what is temporary? Why do you worry about things that are momentary? Come into the eternal presence of the One who made you and walk humbly before your God. Know that He knows all whom He has made and has called all to walk in His presence.

Lord, teach me the way of eternal life. I have the moments of time in this age with all of its difficulties, but You have promised that they have purpose. Lead me to walk the way You know I need to walk that I may now and always live into the life to which You are calling me. Guide me each day, for each day has enough challenges of its own. May I walk humbly before You always.

Holy Spirit, transform my heart that I would live into the life to which I have been called. Guide me, O Lord, that I may now and always live the life You have created for me to live. You know what is needed in every moment. Help me to listen to You and not be distracted by the noise and nonsense of this world. Lead me by Your grace in this age to become perfect in the next. Amen.

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