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“For my days have been consumed in smoke, and my bones have been scorched like a hearth. My heart has been smitten like grass and has withered away, indeed, I forget to eat my bread.” (Psalm 102:3-4)


Sometimes life is very difficult. Things come around you and seem to be smothering you. Have you ever reflected on the promise of the Lord that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord? Have you walked with that promise as the call on your life? It changes things; for then you see that the Lord will grow you through everything you experience.

Lord, help me to see more clearly the ways in which You have led me through the difficult times in my life. Guide me into wisdom that I may see that You are always at work and growing in me the image of Christ. Help me to walk, if even slowly, through those difficult valleys with hope, knowing that You are always with me and You are always at work in my life for blessings.

Holy Spirit, minister to my heart that I may have perseverance. Guide me through the valleys through which I must walk. Lift my eyes up to see from whence comes my help. Let me not look down into despair, but up to the eternal hope which has already been granted by grace through the work of Jesus. May I listen to You as You direct me this day, and walk humbly in the Father’s presence. Amen.

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