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“Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel was among those who called on His name; they called upon the Lord and He answered them. He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud; they kept His testimonies and the statute that He gave them.” (Psalm 99:6-7)


The Lord lifts up those who will speak the truth of His presence and will. It is not just those who are great, but all who believe are called to witness of His love and mercy. Come as one called to speak the truth of His Word to others that they may have the opportunity that You have had to hear the truth of the ages. As He spoke to you, He sends you to speak to others.

Lord, help me overcome whatever it is in me that does not speak freely of the truth You have revealed to me. Lead me to be one who practices my faith with the words I speak as well as the actions I perform. Lead me to see clearly that You are growing in me what You have grown in all of the faithful that I may now and always speak the truth of Your presence in my life.

Lord Jesus, You have come that I would be conformed by grace to Your image. Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go that I may now and always live into the goal of being like You. It is a big role that I cannot imagine, yet You have given the promise in Your Word that all who believe shall be conformed to Your image. Lead me this day one step closer to the goal. Amen.

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