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“Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout joyfully before the King, the Lord.” (Psalm 98:5-6)


Music is a language the Lord has given that all can speak. Do you make music for the Lord? Is the rhythm of your life such that it is a pleasing song to the Lord? Seek the way of the Lord and live in harmony with His will and way. Come then and be whom the Lord created you to be that you may live into the life to which you have been called, knowing that in Him is a life to come that cannot even be yet imagined.

Lord, I hear the words and sometimes even hear the music, but find that I have been born without the rhythm. Teach me to sing a new song. Teach me to live a live that is in harmony with You. Teach me to grow in the abilities You have given me that my life would become the song You created it to be, a song of praise to You whose work alone endures forever.

Holy Spirit, teacher of joy, guide my heart to be lifted up that I may now and always play the music of heaven. Teach me to be the instrument of Your love in this world. Guide me according to the Father’s will that I would now and always live as I have been created to live. Lift me into the upward path to do those things which are right and fitting as one becoming a child of the Heavenly Father. Amen.

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