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“The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord has clothed and girded Himself with strength; indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved. Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting.” (Psalm 93:1-2)


The Lord God created all things. They are His and we are His. Look to the One through which all things have their being and see that He has wonderfully made all things. Know the Lord and discover the purpose for which You have been made. His throne is everlasting and He will bring to fruition all that He has planned. In Him alone is the hope of eternity. He is our strength.

Lord, teach me the things I need to know that I may come to the place where I see more clearly the truth of creation. Guide me according to Your goodness that I may walk in the paths You have established. You are God and King and there is nothing nor no one that can take Your place. Bring my heart to the place where I live this reality knowing that in You is life and liberty.

Thank You, Lord, for paving the way that all who believe and live according to Your promises will know life everlasting. Lead me this day to walk according to Your Word, knowing that in You and by Your leading I will come to the place You have planned for me. You are my Savior and my God. May I now and always bow to Your goodness and live in Your presence. Amen.

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