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“But You, O Lord, are on high forever. For, behold, Your enemies, O Lord, for, behold, Your enemies will perish; all who do iniquity will be scattered.” (Psalm 92:8-9)


Who is man that God should be mindful of him? Yet, the Lord has looked with favor upon His creation. He cares for all that He has made. All those who are in rebellion against Him will one day no longer wreak havoc on what He has made. Those who do evil will be scattered. Come into the rest of the Lord and seek Him while He may be found. Be comforted in His peace.

Lord, I see both what the wicked have done, and also the truth that what they do eventually dissipates into nothing. Help me to see, O Lord, that in You alone is there hope and glory. Guide me to walk always in Your presence and in Your ways. Lead me according to Your righteousness to be a humble and willing servant living out Your goodness for others to see.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for leading the way that we may come with You to be in the Father’s presence forever. Guide me to learn to obey all that You command that I may now and always walk in the will of the Father. Help me show the faith You have given me through all that I say and do. May I learn faithfulness from You and live as You direct now and always. Amen.

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