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“For You, O Lord, have made me glad by what You have done, I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands. How great are Your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep.” (Psalm 92:2-3)

Too many live life thinking that everything they learned in Sunday School is enough. Then again, many families are in shambles, marriage ruined and life a mess. Being a disciple means being a student. Being a student means studying. God shares His knowledge in Scripture. Those who seek to be wise will spend time in the Word to begin understanding the wisdom of the Lord.

Lord, I live in a time where people want instant fixes without effort or difficulty. Life is difficult in this age. Help me to see and then act on the truth that there is much I need to learn. Guide me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go and learn what You would have me learn. Lead me to the place where I grow in wisdom and see more clearly Your hand in all things.

Holy Spirit, minister to my mind that I would grow in knowledge and wisdom. Give me a thirst for the righteousness of the Word and then fill me that I may find true satisfaction. Teach me how to meditate and pray. Lead me into deeper thoughts. Guide the thoughts of my mind and the meditation of my heart to seek after Your leading all the day long. Amen.

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