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“You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day; of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.” (Psalm 91:5-6)


There are things of the darkness that bring fear. There are the arrows of wickedness that flies around all the day long. There is the wastefulness of this age where people show no respect for the Lord or His creation. You need not fear any of these things, for the Lord is with you always and He knows His plans for You. Trust in the Lord above all things and know that He holds you in the palm of His hand.

Lord, amidst the fear that comes in living in this world, guide me in Your goodness to see through these things to know that You are there. Though things do and will happen, help me live in faith knowing that all things work together for good because of the love You have poured into my heart. Lead me, O Lord, and I will follow wherever You lead. Help me to learn to always abide in You.

Lord, You have provided the way of salvation. In You is the hope of all nations. In Your hands are the goodness and mercy that I need for this day. No matter what comes this day, help me to keep my eyes upon You. In times of trouble, help me trust that all things will work together for good. In You I have my hope and being. Lift me up, O Lord, that I may be faithful. Amen.

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