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“The north and the south, You have created them; Tabor and Hermon shout for joy at Your name. You have a strong arm; Your hand is mighty, Your right hand is exalted.” (Psalm 89:12-13)

In You, O Lord, is the hope of all the ages. You know the unfolding of human history, and all things are in Your hands. Lead my heart to see that although times and seasons change, the rebellion of humanity against You remains the same. Lead me to be one who lives in peace with You, the Creator of all things. You alone are to be exalted. Teach me to praise You now and always.

Lord, amidst the troubles of this world, teach me to give thanks for Your goodness and mercy. Help me to not be conditional, but praise and thank You in every circumstance. Lead me, O Lord, that I may walk in Your counsel and learn to praise You at all times. Guide my heart to move ever closer to You that I would do what is right and fitting at all times and in all circumstances.

Lead me, Holy Spirit, to walk humbly in Your counsel. Guide my footsteps to do those things which are pleasing to the Father. Never let me forget the grace which has been purchased that I may walk in the liberty You grant. In all that happens, teach me faithfulness that I would live according to the never-changing precepts spoken from the beginning. Guide me now and always. Amen.

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