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“Will Your wonders be made known in the darkness? And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? But I, O Lord, have cried out to You for help, and in the morning my prayer comes before You.” (Psalm 88:12-13)


Will the nations know the Lord? The Lord has those of His fold from every tribe, tongue and nation. From among those whom He knows, He will lift up those whose hearts are turned toward Him. Yes, reach out to others. No, do not worry about whom; for the Lord knows those who are His. The Lord hears the cries of all who lift their hearts toward Him and knows their need before they ask.

Lord, when I ponder all of the people who have ever existed or ever will exist, I wonder. I ponder how You hear all those who cry out for justice. Your Word says that You hear and that You care and that all will work to glory for those who love You. Help me live in faith where I trust You above all things and know that in You alone is the hope of glory for all who believe.

Lord Jesus, You said that You have come for as many as believe. Move me beyond the doubts and fears to come to the place where I live as one who believes. You do hear my prayers and answer them. Guide me, O Lord, to walk humbly in Your grace now and always that I may live into the eternity You have promised to all who come through faith by grace to the Father. Amen.

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