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“O God, arrogant men have risen up against me, and a band of violent men have sought my life, and they have not set You before them. But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” (Psalm 85:14-15)

There are the strongmen of this world who seek for the lives of the faithful. There are those who for a time prosper at the expense of the lowly. Yet You, O Lord, are above all, and in Your mercy, You watch over all and keep things moving as they need to move. Help me, O Lord, to live humbly in Your presence and see in You the hope of every generation that I may abide in Your presence.

The Lord knows every hair on our head and nothing will come our way that He is not aware of. He is not far off as some think, but always present. Come into His presence and know His comfort. Yes, some things may happen that you do not understand, but He has promised that all things work together for good for those who love Him. Come and find your rest in Him.

Lord Jesus, You met some strongmen who took Your life, yet it was for the purpose of our salvation. Guide my mind to understand that You hold all things together and know all things that will happen. Lead me to simply trust in You always knowing that in You alone is the eternal hope of salvation. Guide me this day to humbly accept what I can and trust for all else knowing that I am in Your hands. Amen.

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