Devotion for Monday, June 11, 2018

“I removed his shoulder from the burden. His hands were freed from the basket. You called in trouble, and I delivered you. I answered you in the secret place of thunder. I tested you at the waters of Meribah.” (Psalm 81:6-7)

We may not know it at the time, but the Lord is always there preparing the way for those who love Him. It may seem difficult and even impossible, but with the Lord all things are possible. He will weave together for His purpose all things and bring those who love Him to be with Him forever. Walk in the way of the Lord and know that He will bring about all things for His purpose.

In the twists and turns of life, O Lord, I often do not understand. Help me see that I do not need to fully understand, for You are the Sovereign One and all things are in Your hands. Guide me in the goodness of Your presence that I may walk humbly wherever You lead. Help me to trust You above all things knowing that all things are in Your hands. Guide me to live by the faith You have given me.

Lord Jesus, You came with purpose and fulfilled that purpose that all who believe might be forever united with You. Lead me this day in the truth You have revealed that I would humbly walk in the provision of the Father giving thanks for everything. Lead me by Your example to go where You lead and do what You would have me do. In You I have all the grace I need to walk by faith. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, June 10, 2018

“For it is a statute for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob. He appointed it in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out over the land of Egypt, I heard a language that I didn’t know.” (Psalm 81:4-5)

In this world, we will experience things that are foreign. Our lives will takes twists and turns that are unanticipated, but the Lord knows all of our days. You have been appointed to give a testimony of the faith you have received amidst those who do not understand what you are talking about. The Lord sends you as His witness to speak the truth and reality of His salvation.

Lord, I often see myself as a foreigner in this world, for many do not receive the word I speak. Yet, it is You who has called me to live humbly in this faith You have given me. Lead me no matter the circumstances to sit at Your feet knowing that You alone hold all things in Your hands. Guide me according to Your mercy to walk with You wherever this life may lead, knowing that all things are in Your hands.

Lord Jesus, You spoke several times about the hostility of this world. It was a hostility that eventually put You to death. Help me know that I should expect no less. Guide me in the goodness You came into this world to bring that I may now and always live according to that goodness and simply be a witness in this world of the truth that You came to reveal. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, June 9, 2018

“Sing aloud to God, our strength! Make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob! Raise a song, and bring here the tambourine, the pleasant lyre with the harp. Blow the trumpet at the New Moon, at the full moon, on our feast day.” (Psalm 81:1-3)

God is good and provides for all the people. The harvest seasons come and those in need are satisfied. Come and see that the Lord is good; so rejoice and give thanks. Have a thankful heart and join with others to celebrate. We were created to rejoice, praise and give thanks. It comes naturally and we love being together in celebration. Come then and praise the Lord for all things.

Lord, I do love to celebrate. Teach me to rejoice each day in the goodness You provide. Help me now and always to be one who is thankful for the many gifts You provide knowing that all things are made available through Your hand of goodness. Bring me to the place where my celebrations always include You, that I may learn to be truly thankful for all things.

I am thankful, Lord Jesus, that You have led the way. You often joined with others in celebration and have taught us to delight in each other. Guide me, Lord, to walk with You in thankfulness each day knowing that You more than provide for all that is needed. Your love is showered upon us through grace upon grace. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all the good gifts You bestow upon us. Amen.

THE PRAYERS,  6th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 8, Cycle B (July 1, 2018)  


6th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 8, Cycle B (July 1, 2018)


Let us pray to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Most gracious Lord, have compassion on your Church throughout the world. Heal it from every false teaching, unkind act, and unfaithful witness. Raise it up from sloth and sin; provide so generously for its needs that it may be generous in sharing your gifts with others; and by its winsome and lovely righteousness, draw all people into your Son’s life-giving presence.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 Incline your ear to your persecuted Church, so that they may never despair of your goodness but rather give thanks to you forever for your great mercy. Shield and defend your missionaries, especially when they are met with hostility and rejection.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Fill the people of this congregation with the spirit of gentleness, generosity, and compassion, so that we reflect Jesus’ goodness to everyone we meet, and our church becomes a byword among our neighbors for your strong saving love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer

For many, this is a week of holiday and travel. Keep us in safety and concord, that all may enjoy the blessings of freedom, leisure, friendship, and family.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

You have given us this good land as our heritage. Make us always remember your generosity and constantly do your will. Save us from violence, discord, confusion, and every evil course of action. Give us what outward prosperity may be your will; but above all things, give us faith in you, that our nation may glorify your name and be a blessing to all peoples.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We thank you for patriots, past and present, who have served God and nation with honor. Shield and guide all who currently serve and protect our nation, here and abroad. Keep them strong; make them wise; heal their wounds of body, mind and soul; and use them to establish safety, justice and freedom. Grant comfort, patience and hope to their families and friends; and let their communities and country show them respect and use their gifts when they return.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Clothe all who wear the sackcloth of suffering with the clean linen of your salvation and joy. We lift before you the needs of: {List}. Give them such confidence in you that they constantly turn to you for help. And grant to all who love and care for them, such tenderness and skill that suffering and loneliness are eased and hope and faith are strengthened among us all

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

There is no profit if we go down to the pit; nor shall dust praise your faithfulness. Therefore, we praise you for your Son’s triumph over sin, evil and death; and for the eternal life that you promise to all who call upon his name. Give us the full measure of your Spirit, so that we may trust you even when we are surrounded by our ancient enemies; may encourage and console one another along our common pilgrimage; and may cling to the Cross of Jesus until it unbars the gates of your Kingdom, and you welcome us home.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear and graciously answer our prayers, dear Lord, as it is best for us and most glorifies your holy name. Amen.


Devotion for Friday, June 8, 2018

“Let your hand be on the man of your right hand, on the son of man whom you made strong for yourself. So we will not turn away from you. Revive us, and we will call on your name. Turn us again, Yahweh God of Armies. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.” (Psalm 80:17-19)

We were created to be in fellowship. In union with one another, we can and do prosper. God demonstrates this with Trinity and shows us definitively with His Son who is our Savior. When the people wander off, they flounder, but when they come together to Him, they see the Lord is with them. Come then into the presence of the Lord and walk in His light.

Lord, the wisdom You give seems so simple, but often it is hard to do. Turn my heart to receive You and then do what it is You say. Help me now and always to hear and heed Your Word of wisdom and walk in Your counsel, not as an expectation of results, but as a way of life. In You alone is there hope for any and all people and apart from You comes the guarantee of failure.

Lord Jesus, You are the right hand of the Father Who has come and freed us from the recompense of sin. There is still the battle against sin, death and the forces of darkness. Help me now and always to live into the hope You give knowing that only in You is there life. As You have modeled for us, so help me live in my daily life to be an example for others of fellowship and faithfulness. Amen.

The Redeemer of Creation

And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.   So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:28)

People often think that Christian morality rests on blind commitment to a list of rules.  They think so because Christians will sometimes make moral arguments by quoting one or two commands from the Bible.  In this passage, our Lord Jesus Christ shows us a better way.

Someone throws a law at Him—“You can’t work on the Sabbath!”—and He responds by going back to creation: “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”  The Redeemer of creation, Jesus unpacks the divine will at work in time and nature alike.  God’s purpose in hallowing the Sabbath was for people to rest in His good work, not to live in the fear of doing work.

So it always goes for Christians.  Morality is not about checking off rules to keep ourselves pure; it’s about living as God has given us to live in His Son, who leads us faithfully into creation as God intends it: pure gift, pure rest, and pure joy.  Forgiven in the blood of Christ, we are free to take up the work He gives us without fear.

LET US PRAY:  O Lord of the Sabbath, You are the rest of the weary and the crown of creation.  Fill the earth with the joy of Your salvation, and write Your law upon our hearts; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever.  Amen

Pr. Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau


Devotion for Thurday, June 7, 2018

“The stock which your right hand planted, the branch that you made strong for yourself. It’s burned with fire. It’s cut down. They perish at your rebuke.” (Psalm 80:15-16)

The great nations fall and their power is forever gone. The wicked who maim and destroy are themselves destroyed. It does come to pass as You have said. There is nothing secret that will not be revealed. Lead me, O Lord, to see in You the hope of glory and the truth that all things are always in Your hands. You are bringing all things together for good for those who love You.

Lord, I am often impatient and I want to see it come to pass before my eyes. You have given Your Word that all of us may see the truth that the nations rise and fall before You. Help me see things through Your word and simply trust, no matter the circumstance, in Your good provision. Guide me away from thinking of things from my own viewpoint to thinking on these things through the worldview of Your Word.

Lord Jesus, all things have always been in Your hands. You who have come to lead those who know You into eternal life, guide me now and always in the way that has been established from the beginning. Lift me up to see things as You would have me see them. Give me a heart that looks with love on all and desires the peace You have granted me to be given to others for the Father’s glory. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, June 6, 2018

“The boar out of the wood ravages it. The wild animals of the field feed on it. Turn again, we beg you, God of Armies. Look down from heaven, and see, and visit this vine,” (Psalm 80:13-14)

There are those who ravage the lands and feed off others, wrapped in legitimate garb or the outright thief, who come and take what they did not work for. Yet the Lord does amply supply. The Lord provides in spite of the wicked who devour. Yet even if it is devoured by the wicked, still lift your eyes up to the Lord that You may know His goodness and mercy.

Lord, I want revenge against those who have harmed me. Yet it is not what I desire, but the truth that vengeance is Yours and that all things are judged in their time. Lead me to simply look to You, O Lord, and know that You are the One who freely gives that we all may have what is needed. Do hold the wicked at bay if it be Thy will and remind the faithful of Your perfect justice.

Lord Jesus, while yet we were all sinners, You came that we might have liberty from sin by Your grace. Guide me, O Lord, in the way You have established, knowing that You Who will judge all things, hold all things in Your hands. Help me today and every day to simply trust in Your provision of grace and walk by faith in the goodness I have already received from You. Amen.

Devotional for June 10, 2018

Devotional for June 10, 2018 based upon Mark 3: 20-35

Jesus said, “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his property without first tying up the strong man; then indeed the house can be plundered.”

I believe that the strong man Jesus was referring to is Satan, and the strong man’s property are people. People whom God loves and for whom Jesus died, but people who are under the influence and control of Satan. Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead in order to defeat the power of Satan. But until Jesus returns, Satan will work to hold and keep people in bondage. One of the ways in which he will do that is through his lies. And so one of the ways in which people can be delivered from the power of Satan – one of the ways in which the strong man can be tied up so that his property can be plundered – is as people hear and believe God’s truth rather than listen to and fall for Satan’s lies.

Satan’s first lie is this: GOD IS HOLDING OUT ON YOU. Eve fell for this lie. Eve gave into Satan’s temptation and ate the forbidden fruit. “You will not die,” Satan had lied. “Rather God knows that if you were to eat of this fruit, your eyes would be opened and you would be His equal. And God does not want you to be His equal.” The lie Satan was telling Eve was, “God is holding out on you. There is something good that God is trying to keep from you.” Unfortunately Adam and Eve fell for Satan’s first lie.

Is there any way in which you are falling for Satan’s first lie? Is there something happening or not happening in your life that makes you wonder if God is holding out on you? Or do you truly believe that God really means it when He said in Jeremiah 29: 11, “I know the plans I have for you – plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”? If Satan is trying to get you to believe that if God truly were good, then He would gratify some desire of yours and do so immediately, then you need to intentionally recall that God’s plans for you will always be only for your good.

Satan’s second lie is this: YOU DO NOT NEED ANYONE BEYOND YOURSELF. Even King David, the man after God’s own heart, fell victim to this second lie. First Chronicles 21 tells us that Satan incited David to take a census of Israel. David responded by commanding General Joab to count all of the fighting men. David had begun to believe that his security lay in the size of his army rather than in his Lord. Because of David’s act of self-reliance, the whole nation suffered a terrible plague. In the same way, if I rely solely or mainly upon myself – upon my own human resources, insight, wisdom, and strength – it will damage my relationship with God and, as in the case of David, it could also really hurt others.

There is a lot to learn from the Twelve-Step Program from a Christian perspective:
1. I admit that I am powerless over whatever it is that is holding me in bondage. My life has become unmanageable.
2. I need a power outside of myself and greater than myself to restore my life to sanity.
3. I will turn my life over to the power of God as the Bible tells me about Him.

Is there any way in which you need to stop believing Satan’s second lie of total self-reliance and instead start depending upon God?

Satan’s third lie is this: YOU WILL NEVER SUFFER AS A CHRISTIAN. And if you are, something is wrong. In Mark 8 Jesus told His disciples that He was going to Jerusalem to suffer and die. When Peter heard that, he emphatically rebuked Him. “Never, Lord. This shall never happen to You!” Jesus replied, “Get behind Me, Satan!”

Jesus recognized Satan’s clever seduction in Peter’s well-meaning words. Jesus knew that God’s plan for His life included suffering and pain. And God’s plan for your life will include some suffering and pain. Are you falling for Satan’s third lie, or are you able to trust God’s promise in Romans 8: 28? “Not just in some things but in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Even in difficult circumstances, do you trust God to accomplish His good in your life? Do you trust God to use the trials that will come into your life to help shape your character to become more like His?

Satan’s fourth lie is this: MONEY IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS. Satan knows the powerful lure of money. Satan is well aware of how greed can take over our lives. So the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” The reef of earthly riches is not worth shipwrecking your life on.

Satan’s fifth lie is this: YOU CAN NEVER FORGIVE THEM. You cannot possibly forgive someone who has wounded you so severely.

Where in your life do you need to stop believing Satan’s fifth lie? Whom are you having the greatest difficulty forgiving? The apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Forgive each other, just as God in Christ forgave you.” Do you need to meditate more on just how much God has forgiven you, so that you can let go of your own bitterness and forgive someone else? Oh, the healing process may take years. But wouldn’t you rather be free? Wouldn’t you rather be able to think of that person with peace – if not also genuine desire for their welfare? The first step on the road to forgiveness is remembering just how much God has forgiven us. The second step is to let the sweet, healing love of God flow from us and through us to that other person.
Someone once said, “Forgiveness is the oil that keeps our souls from burning up in the friction of human relationships.”

Satan would be more than happy to use His lies in order to keep you in bondage. In Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the dead God has already won the decisive victory over Satan and all of his demons. Until God wraps up the campaign at the end of the world, may each one of us be able to resist Satan’s lies by holding onto the truths and standing on the promises in God’s Word.

Dennis D. Nelson
President of the Board and Director of Lutheran CORE

Devotion for Tuesday, June 5, 2018

“It sent out its branches to the sea, its shoots to the River. Why have you broken down its walls, so that all those who pass by the way pluck it?” (Psalm 80:11-12)

Why does the Lord allow things we consider adverse to happen? Why doesn’t the Lord just make everything perfect? He did in the beginning, but our first parents chose the way of sin and death and it has reigned in this age ever since. It is no use arguing over what is. It is of use to hear the Word of the Lord and of the salvation He grants to all who come to Him.

Lord, move me beyond what I think is a need to figure all things out. Life is filled with mystery because life itself is a mystery. Guide me, O Lord, to come humbly into Your presence and simply trust that You are God. Guide me in Your ways, knowing that only in You is there hope and a future. Lead me away from my own thinking to see things as You have revealed them to be.

Lord Jesus, You taught publically and everyone who listened could hear what You said. Your words have rung true over the ages and You have given the words of eternal life. Lead me through all the difficulties of this age to see simply that You call us all to simply follow where You lead; for You Who are the author and finisher of our faith will bring all things into submission and lay them before the Father’s feet. Amen.