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“Nevertheless you will die like men and fall like any one of the princes.” Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is You who possesses all the nations.” (Psalm 82:7-8)

No matter the life we live, all fall under the condemnation of sin, which is death. Even the Savior subjected Himself to death. But death is not the final answer. The final answer is the One who saves. When death comes, the great equalizer puts to rest the rebellion. The Lord has judged the world already. Those who come to Him by His grace receive the gift He gives in salvation.

Lord, I look at the world and think in terms of the moment. I want justice and yet I am one who has also done injustice. Lead me to see simply that You are the One who holds all things in Your hands. You have revealed all that we need to know by appearing amongst us to carry upon Yourself our sins and the rebellion of this world. Under Your provision, lift me up with You.

Lord Jesus, Savior of us all, guide me in the salvation You have brought into the world. Guide me in the way You have established. Judgement is already upon the world and I see the recompense of the wickedness that rules this age. Lift me up to see the goodness You have unleashed that I may humbly walk with You, my Lord and my God. Amen.

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