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“Let your hand be on the man of your right hand, on the son of man whom you made strong for yourself. So we will not turn away from you. Revive us, and we will call on your name. Turn us again, Yahweh God of Armies. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.” (Psalm 80:17-19)

We were created to be in fellowship. In union with one another, we can and do prosper. God demonstrates this with Trinity and shows us definitively with His Son who is our Savior. When the people wander off, they flounder, but when they come together to Him, they see the Lord is with them. Come then into the presence of the Lord and walk in His light.

Lord, the wisdom You give seems so simple, but often it is hard to do. Turn my heart to receive You and then do what it is You say. Help me now and always to hear and heed Your Word of wisdom and walk in Your counsel, not as an expectation of results, but as a way of life. In You alone is there hope for any and all people and apart from You comes the guarantee of failure.

Lord Jesus, You are the right hand of the Father Who has come and freed us from the recompense of sin. There is still the battle against sin, death and the forces of darkness. Help me now and always to live into the hope You give knowing that only in You is there life. As You have modeled for us, so help me live in my daily life to be an example for others of fellowship and faithfulness. Amen.

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