“You cleared the ground for it. It took deep root, and filled the land. The mountains were covered with its shadow. Its boughs were like God’s cedars.” (Psalm 80:9- 10)
The Lord prepares the way for all people. There are those who question, “Why did God allow this?” But that does not mean that all things are not in His hands. His ways are not our ways and He has given the promise that all things work together for good for those who love Him. Come under the covering of the Lord and be in His presence and know that He watches over you.
Lord, I see the times and seasons and when things are good, I am pleased. When they are not, I become upset. Help me move to the place where in season and out of season I see Your hand of mercy upon all things. Guide my eyes to see and my ears to hear the truth of Your Word and to know that I have always been in Your hands. Lead me into faith where I trust You above all things.
Lord Jesus, Your very life demonstrated twists and turns not unlike the lives we all live on this earth. At the end You were crucified and that was Your plan all along. In the great mystery of this unfolding age, guide me away from wanting all the answers to trust in the answers You have given. Lead me to see more clearly the truth that You are there and will always be there for those who come to You. Amen.