Holy, Not Goody

“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.”  (Isaiah 6:3)

Holy, and not Goody or Happy or Nicey, and not even Mighty or Smarty—God is holy.  He is different from all other things, and in that way, He is incomprehensible to us.  The medieval theologian, Thomas Aquinas, described God as truly simple, singular in a way that we cannot imagine.

Yet as the angels also declared to Isaiah, this Holy God is happily available to the earth that He has made—“the whole earth is full of His glory.”  God spoke out of His perfect, undisturbed satisfaction and created a whole world to be loved by Him.  Again, He is holy and therefore different from us.  We, finding ourselves perfectly satisfied, might be inclined not to seek anything more, but God, in His satisfaction, sought the creation of many more, that they too might be satisfied.

Here is the God who would set aside His personal joy to seek the lost.  Here is the Father who would give up His Son to death, that the dead might be saved; here is the Son, who would suffer the absence of His Father to comfort the orphaned; here is the Comforter, who would gladly give all glory to the Son and His Father that a whole world of sinners might believe.

He is holy, not nicey and not goody.  He is different from us, and thank God He is.

LET US PRAY: Holy Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: send Your Holy Spirit of love upon all the earth, and enrapture every creature with the glory of Your Son; in His name, the holy name of Jesus.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

Devotion for Wednesday, May 30, 2018

“And He built His sanctuary like the heights, like the earth which He has founded forever. He also chose David His servant and took him from the sheepfolds; from the care of the ewes with suckling lambs He brought him to shepherd Jacob His people, and Israel His inheritance. So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skillful hands.” (Psalm 78:69-72)

The Lord chose to reveal His plan for the ages in the way He did. Others have mocked the Lord and sought to pervert the truth of His revelation, but His Word will stand forever. You may go where you will, but where is truth to be found? Is it not the One who created all things and in whom all things hold their being? Come then to the One who is more than able to do all He has promised.

Lord, I do listen to those who mock You and hear all kinds of things. They rattle in my brain and I become confused. Guide my mind and heart to see clearly that You, who are the maker of all things, hold in Your hands all that is true. Lead me away from the rebellion of the heart to simply and humbly come to You and know that I, along with all of creation, am in Your eternal hands.

Lord Jesus, You have come both to demonstrate the godly life, but also to lead the way for as many as would follow You. Lead me, O Lord, today in the truth You have revealed once for all. Help me now and always to see in You the hope of glory and the truth of the great love You have for all people. May I willingly follow wherever You lead, knowing that all things are in Your hands. Amen.