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“Man did eat the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance. He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens and by His power He directed the south wind.” (Psalm 78:25-26)

The Lord is always before us, leading and directing. He will bring you to the place He promises. Why do you doubt when all around you are given provision after provision. He who grants life, gives the food of heaven to those who turn to Him. He who knows grief carries all your grief upon Himself. Come then to the Lord, see His goodness and walk with Him always.

Lord, I see the paradox all around me. There are people who go about their business and do as they should and then there are those who abound in wickedness. It is the reality of this age. Help me now and always to simply look to You who provides for all for what I need. Help me to walk humbly with You in all things knowing that You who made all things knows what needs to happen.

Lord Jesus, You are familiar with pain and death, for You suffered for us all. You know the anguish that comes in this world, but You have prepared a path for us all to follow. Lift me up with You to partake of the heavenly food which You abundantly provide that I would feed on heavenly food and not the garbage of this world. Guide me in all of the ways You have established now and forever. Amen.

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