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“The sons of Ephraim were archers equipped with bows, yet they turned back in the day of battle. They did not keep the covenant of God and refused to walk in His law; they forgot His deeds and His miracles that He had shown them.” (Psalm 78:9-11)

Nothing is impossible with the Lord, yet in a moment when faith is required, many will fall upon what they know and not trust in the leading of the Lord. Come then into the truth of the Lord and know that if He leads, whatever He asks shall be accomplished. Come into His presence and know that the ways of the Lord are forever and shall not fail. Forget not His ways and live in truth.

Lord, what You have set before me is so simple, but it is not easy. Guide me in the way You would have me go and lead me according to Your never-changing word to walk in the way I should go. Help me overcome the temptation to limit myself  to what I know so that I trust in what You say above all the voices of this earth. Guide me out of myself and into Your Word that I may walk as You would have me walk.

Lord Jesus, You have already overcome the obstacles that are in the way of my steadfastly walking with the Father. Guide me in the way You have established that I may walk in the statutes that You have laid down from the beginning. Lift me up when I stumble and help me keep my side of the covenant You have given by the grace You have purchased that I may live according to Your eternal Word. Amen.

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