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“Your way, O God, is holy; what god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples.” (Psalm 77:13-14)

We humans need to be reminded that we are not the center of existence. The gods we create are nothing. The God who created everything is the center of all. We are called to look to Him and know that He who made all things looks at us and desires that we learn to love Him as He loves us. He is our rock and strength. He is gentle and patient, loving and kind. Come to the Lord and see.

Lord I am wrapped up in my own mind and my attention span is so short. One minute I am here and the next minute I am there. Clear my mind and help me focus that I would learn the simple truth that You are God and there is no other. Lead me away from the sinfulness of this world and into Your presence, living according to Your never-failing Word which You have given.

Lord Jesus, You have come humbly into the world and invited as many as believe to join You. Guide me in Your way of grace this day to learn once again that You through whom all things have been made have called me to come to You and live as life was meant to be lived. In praise and thanksgiving, may my life be given back to You to walk humbly in Your ways all the days of my life. Amen.

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